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Murraya paniculata
Thumbnail Murraya paniculataThumbnail Murraya paniculata

Murraya paniculata

Item Code: Murraya paniculata
Available in 140mm, 200mm and 300mm pots.
This excellent large shrub has medium-sized dark green leaflets and responds well to pruning, giving it a nice dense habit. Scented white flowers appear mostly in spring and summer but this plant will spot flower throughout the year. Arguably the most popular hedging plant in use today.

Height: up to 3m

Width: as above

Position: full sun to shade

Flowers: highly fragrant white blossoms. Spot flowers throughout the year but main flowering in the warmer months.

Growth rate: medium to fast-growing.

Hardiness: Second line salt-tolerant, will tolerate light frosts, suits most soil types. 

Care: Murrayas require the occasional application of a complete fertiliser to encourage lush green growth and prevent leaf yellowing.

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