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We have Roses for Noses

Written on the 6 August 2015

We've got plenty of roses in stock, and if you're after a rose for your nose then there are lots to choose from. If red is your colour there are the tried and true oldies like Mr. Lincoln, an excellent all-rounder with its rich, heady fragrance and beautiful blooms on long stems, or the Papa Meilland which has dark red, highly perfumed flowers. Oklahoma and Firefighter are also beautiful red, fragrant roses. Soul Mate, Friesia and Midas Touch are strongly scented yellow roses, and Just Joey is a stand out performer with large, fragrant apricot blooms. If you prefer the cool whites then the Pope John Paul II has an amazing perfume, and Heaven Scent is a gorgeous scented pink rose.

Now's a great time to get your roses in the ground, while they are still dormant. This will give their root systems a good chance to establish before the weather warms up. Roses like a site with plenty of sun, in soil enriched with compost or manure, and prefer not to have much root competition. Winter is a good time to spray established roses with lime sulphur, which helps to control a variety of pests and diseases. As winter nears its end an application of specialist rose food will help to give your roses a great start to the growing season.

Happy Gardening!

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