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Roses Roses Roses!

Written on the 17 June 2014

Our roses have finally arrived and we've got over 3000 in store, potted up and ready to go. There are well over 100 varieties to choose from, including old favourites such as Mr Lincoln and Just Joey and new release roses like Mothers Love and The Childrens Rose. We believe our roses are the best you'll get anywhere. All are 2 year old roses, and come with our famous six month plant guarantee. We've got shrub roses and two, three and four  foot standard roses, as well as weeping roses.

Now that winter is here and deciduous plants have gone into dormancy, this is the perfect time to plant them. Ensure your soil is well prepared by digging through lots or organic matter such as compost or manure, and give your roses a sunny spot either in the garden or in pots. Winter is also the best time to prune any already established roses you may have in the garden. Remove any dead and inward facing branches, and cut back remaining branches by about one third to one half. Spray with lime sulphur to clean up any pests or diseases that may be present, and always use clean, sharp secateurs or loppers when pruning roses to ensure you get a nice clean cut and to prevent the spread of disease from plant to plant.

On a side note, deciduous trees will be arriving within the next few weeks. We've got hundreds coming in, with our range including miniature and full size fruit trees and many ornamentals to choose from. So come in and see us for all your winter gardening needs and our expert advice.

Happy gardening!


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